How to Measure Project Success

Ilya Pozin has written an article on that discusses how to be more efficient in a project and how to ensure that your team knows what success should look like. This article gives a good way to decompose aspects of project success, but I found myself thirsting for quantitative measures.

The author mentions six factors for measuring the success of a project: (more…)

The Measurement Inversion

Think about the last time your company was faced with an investment in information technology – as an example. Perhaps you were deciding on a CRM platform, an upgrade to your replenishment or logistics software… – you can imagine such a scenario.  Regardless of the exact details, you might recall reviewing a business case for this “technology investment”. Perhaps you were even responsible for the development of the business case. (more…)

NIST 800-30 still has defenders

Jack Jones, the inventor of the FAIR method for assessing cybersecurity risk, comments on a defense of NIST 800-30 by someone who commented on one of his blogs.  I take Jack’s side on this.  For those of you who have read my books, NIST 800-30 is one of the standards that promotes methods I spend a lot of time debunking (ordinal scales for risks, risk matrices, etc.).