Evaluating Desert Restoration for the United Nations Environmental Program

Hubbard Decision Research conducted an analysis on behalf of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) to determine the impact of restoring an overgrazed area of Inner Mongolia known as the Kubuqi Desert. Once a green pastureland, this area along the Yellow river was overgrazed and became a desert.  Over the last 30 years a Chinese corporation, Elion, has been working to restore this to a productive agricultural area with thriving communities.

Snow Daze

It has been a heck of a winter for Portland, OR. The city has had nine school closure days due to snow and other winter weather. Per local reports, the metro area has been effectively shut down on many of these days. Portland’s transportation bureau budgets $300K a year for materials to respond to winter storms, and has 55 snowplows. In contrast, Portland’s GDP is $160 B/year which translates to $635 MM per work day.

At first blush, there is an intuitive sense that spending a fraction of a percent of one day’s GDP is going to be less than the optimal amount, but there are some mitigating factors. (more…)

Project Management/Project Risk is the #1 Measurement Challenge

According to our recently completed “Measurement Challenges” survey, project risk and project management-related issues are the #1 most frequently identified measurement challenges, followed closely by change management and organizational transformation.  The survey also showed that while only half have received training to address these problems, the majority feel they need training in statistical methods or even the analytical methods provided in Excel. This is a brief summary of the findings of that survey. (more…)